John Schwartz is the owner of Perfectionist Auto Sound and Security in Anchorage, Alaska, and the CEO of SoundShield. John was one of the first members of the car audio community to hear that Jeremy Katz and Evan Collins had designed a COVID-19 face shield that could be cut on a CNC laser. He jumped on the opportunity to build safety equipment for doctors, nurses and medical technicians across his home state. John’s project has been different than all the other shops, and as they say, it’s a story worth telling.

Hand-Made PPE Face Shields
Client requests at Perfectionist run the gamut from world-class remote car starter and security installations to exotic audio system upgrades, and everything in between. The company has invested in tools like a Glowforge CNC laser to provide impressive attention to detail on the custom work they do. While perfect for their automotive accessory upgrade projects, the Glowforge isn’t large enough to cut the clear plastic for the COVID-19 shields. John developed a hybrid build approach by cutting the ABS plastic headband pieces on the laser and the clear polycarbonate plastic using a template on the shop’s router lift with a flush-trim bit. He’s taken the best features from several designs to make his work as efficient as possible while delivering a quality product.
By using polycarbonate, John hasn’t run into the supply issues that have plagued other shops building the shields. He also contributes his success to a great 20+ year relationship with the local plastic supply company that Perfectionist uses.

Each and every one of the 1,025 shields that have left Perfectionist was built by John after the store closed each day. We know from John’s stream of entertaining and enlightening social media posts that he’s often stayed at the shop into the wee hours of the morning, listening to Spotify and cranking out safety equipment.

Helping Those Who Are Helping Others
John let us know that he’s sent shields to the four main hospitals in the area, including Providence Alaska Medical Center and the world-renowned Alaska Native Medical Center. He has supplied pharmacies, medical clinics, more than 100 first responders and dozens of high-risk individuals with shields. He’s also sent more than 200 shields to clinics, medical centers and hospitals in smaller communities across the state. With limited production efficiency, he is prioritizing requests to ensure that those who need them the most get them.

All the shields are free to medical or emergency workers, or high-risk private citizens who need them. John isn’t asking for anything in return. He said he’s proud to be able to do something to help the community that has kept him and his staff employed for more than 20 years. He added that he feels lucky to have the tools and resources to be able to help.
If you’d like to learn more about Perfectionist Auto Sound and Security, visit their website, or see them on Facebook or Instagram.
On behalf of the team here at, we want to thank John for his tireless efforts to help his community and state. We also want to thank him for sharing his project with so many through social media. The exposure he’s brought to the project is a vital part of why thousands upon thousands of emergency and medical personnel around North America have these potentially life-saving shields. His dedication and commitment are truly impressive and commendable.